Join the Neural Coding Lab

The Neural Coding Lab is hiring!

We are looking for motivated, curious, and talented individuals who are interested in joining a growing group focused on neural computation. If you want to learn more about our field, please take a look at the computational neuroscience online course offered by Neuromatch Academy.

Postdoc position

Candidates with a curious mind, a passion to understand neural computation and a strong background in math are welcome to apply. PhD in Neuroscience, Computer Science, Applied Math, Data Science or other related fields are encouraged. Informal inquiries are welcome.

Research assistant for computation

We are looking for research assistant with a BA/BS to take responsibilities in hardware and software troubleshooting, data processing and HPC management. Strong computational background is encouraged. Please send a CV with a short description of your goals to here.

Research technician for experiments

We are looking for experienced and responsible individuals to work as research technician with a focus on electrophysiological experiments. Responsibilities include mouse handling, surgery, histology and other experiment related tasks. Prior experience is desireable.

Prospective graduate students

Students who are interested in joining the lab as Ph.D candidates should apply to the CLS or PTN graduate programs.